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The Impact Club

Welcome to the Social Impact Club!


Imagine a vibrant space where children gather every other week not just to indulge in their artistic passions but to forge lasting friendships and build a nurturing community. Our Bi-weekly Social Impact Club is more than an extracurricular activity—it's a movement towards positive change through creativity.


Explore through Arts

Our club introduces children to various aspects of the arts including stage design, scriptwriting, and acting. It offers a broad range of activities aimed at stimulating their interest and creativity.

Learn through Arts 

In our workshops, children learn more than just stage production. They gain important life skills like reading and writing, networking, solving problems, and being resilient. These skills are useful beyond the arts, preparing them for future challenges.

Grow through Arts

Build Friendships and Community: More than just arts, our club is a place for children to meet, share experiences, and support each other. It aims to make every child feel included and valued, helping to foster a sense of community.

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The Skills Workshop

Our workshops are designed to unlock the imagination and inspire innovation. Under the guidance of experienced mentors, children learn the intricacies of performance arts, from the initial conception of an idea to the final curtain call. Each session is an opportunity to learn, grow, and excel.


Some of the workshops include: stage design, light director, music classes, makeup classes, acting. Basically all the skills required for a successful play production

We Need Your Support Today!

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